Pavement Condition
Updated Using 2024 Data

FDOT has primary jurisdiction over the State Highway System (SHS) that carries more than half of all traffic within Florida. This system includes major roads such as interstates and highways with U.S. or state road numbers. Florida Statute 334.046(4), F.S. requires FDOT to achieve at least 80% of the acceptable pavement standards on the SHS.

Resurfacing needs are identified through FDOT’s annual pavement condition survey. This survey evaluates pavement conditions in terms of ride quality, crack extent and severity, and average depth of wheel-path ruts.

  • “Ride quality” – what the motorist experiences (i.e., smoothness of the ride).
  • Crack extent and severity (or “cracking”) – the deterioration of the pavement through formation of cracks or loss of aggregate or surface texture caused by repeated heavy use. This leads to loss of smoothness and ultimately, deterioration of the road base by water seepage if not corrected.
  • Wheel-path ruts (or “rutting”) – pavement depressions caused mainly by heavy use. These depressions or ruts can collect water, creating potential safety hazards.

Note: Pavement conditions are calculated using a different method for federal performance (MAP-21) reporting purposes.


Methodology: Pavement Condition

The FDOT State Materials Office’s Pavement Condition Unit conducts annual surveys of the entire State Highway System (SHS) in support of the Department's Pavement Management Program. The data collected (in terms of crack, ride, and rut measurements) is used to assess the condition and performance of the state’s roadways as well as to predict future rehabilitation needs. Data are annually collected from January 1 to December 31 and reported for the state fiscal year under which December 31 falls. For details, please visit the Flexible Pavement Condition Survey Handbook or the Rigid Pavement Condition Survey Handbook.


`"Pavement Condition" = (∑" miles meeting pavement thresholds")/(∑" all pavement miles") × 100"`

Reporting Periods

  • Peak Hour
  • Peak Period
  • Daily
  • Yearly

Definitions: Pavement Condition

  • Pavement Condition: The state of pavement in terms of ride quality, crack extent and severity, and average depth of wheel-path ruts through FDOT’s annual pavement condition survey.
  • Reporting Period
    • Yearly: FDOT fiscal year from July 1 to June 30.
  • State Highway System (SHS): Roads under the jurisdiction of the State of Florida and maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation or a regional transportation commission, typically roads with Interstate, US, and SR numbers.
  • Target Pavement Condition: 80 percent of the pavement on the State Highway System meeting department standards as mandated in 334.046(4), F.S..
Data Download

Date of last refresh: 10/07/2024


FDOT State Materials Office - Pavement Condition Survey program